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help me solved this question using c++

0 votes
asked May 11, 2018 by Mahmud Muhammad (230 points)
write a program that calculate the root of quadratic ax2+bx+c=0 given the cooficient a,b,c use the quadratic formula, your program should solved for both real and complex roots.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 13, 2018 by ali


  using namespace std;

main() {

 float a,b,c; double d; //because sqrt function accepts double data type

 cout<<"Enter the Coefficient 'a' : "; cin>>a;

while(a == 0) //if a=0, take the input again

{ cout<<"Enter a Non-Zero value for 'a' : "; cin>>a;


 cout<<"Enter the coefficient 'b' : "; cin>>b;

cout<<"Enter the coefficient 'c' : "; cin>>c;

 d = b*b - 4*a*c; //computing the determinant

if(d == 0)


 cout<<"\nRoots are Real and Equal"<<endl<<endl;

cout<<"Root 1 is "<<-b/(2*a)<<endl;

cout<<"Root 2 is "<<-b/(2*a)<<endl; }

 else if(d > 0) {

cout<<"\nRoots are Real and Different"<<endl<<endl;

 cout<<"Root 1 is "<< (-b + sqrt(d))/2*a<<endl;

 cout<<"Root 2 is "<< (-b - sqrt(d))/2*a<<endl; }

else {

d = (-1*d); //making determinant positive, because you cannot directly compute the square root of a negative number in c++

cout<<"\nRoots are Complex and Different"<<endl<<endl;

 cout<<"Root 1 is "<<-b/(2*a)<<" + i "<<sqrt(d)/2*a<<endl;

cout<<"Root 2 is "<<-b/(2*a)<<" - i "<<sqrt(d)/2*a<<endl; }

system("pause"); }}
commented May 14, 2018 by karna bc
Q..For this code snippet, identify the conditions under which errors occur/code fails to act as expected.
#define max 10
int main()
char a[max];
int total=1;
char ch;
for(int i=0;i
cout<<”Do you want to add?\n”;
for(int i=0;i
return 0;
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