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Can I copy all projects?

0 votes
asked May 13, 2018 by Don (140 points)
I have opened as second OnlineGDB account. Is there a way I can copy all of my projects to this new account from my old account?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 24, 2018 by Admin (5,100 points)
As of now there is no straight forward way to do this.
Though you can share project and fork it with your new account and save it in new account.
commented May 28, 2018 by Don Kalischer (200 points)
My first account was logged into using Google+ and the second account using the regular Username and Password method. If I open the second account in a browser tab, and then use Google+ to log into the first account, when I go the My Projects to fork them, the second account tab changes to the Google+ account.
In any event, I have copied and pasted my Google+ projects into the second account, so I have moved the projects using that method.  Thanks.
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