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Extra files not running? HTML/CSS/JS

+10 votes
asked Mar 23, 2023 by WhatDoWeDoNow (390 points)
I'm working on a simple website to share some of my Python projects. However, when I put the CSS and JS in a file other than the default index.html file, it won't load, even with the correct <link> and <script src=> tags. When I put the code in the original file inside <style> and <script> tags, it works. Anyone know why this happens?

Thanks in advance,


2 Answers

+4 votes
answered Mar 24, 2023 by Peter Minarik (86,180 points)
selected Mar 31, 2023 by WhatDoWeDoNow
Best answer
Could you share your actual code so someone can have a look?
commented Mar 26, 2023 by WhatDoWeDoNow (390 points)
commented Mar 27, 2023 by Peter Minarik (86,180 points)
I've checked it, and it doesn't work for me either, but I'm not a web developer. So let's see if someone with web development experience can point out what's going on here.
commented Mar 30, 2023 by Fairy anmol (150 points)
please help me someone i am making a layout of 3 divs in one row containing every div on one image and below each image has one title and then paragraph and i am using tailwind css but the layout is not responsive and the content are not coming in one row ,they are going up and down ,please help me i am trying from almost one month but i couldn't solve the issue.
+1 vote
answered Mar 27, 2023 by Aditya Singh Kaushik (160 points)
sir you have not created a file of python instead you have written code in html browser doesn't recognise your code that's the mistake I think you are doing you have to use flask or some other framework to deploy your project
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