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how do you define a variable and assign a value to it in python

+3 votes
asked Jan 23 by ISHWARBHAI AMARABHAI RABARI (150 points)
how do you define a variable and assign a value to it in python

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 27 by Mohd Zia (190 points)

You can define and assign a variable in python 

for example name of your variable  x = 5

x is a variable here and = is a assignment operator which assigns value to variable

you can also define multiple variables in single line

a,b,c = 1,2,3

0 votes
answered Feb 18 by Akriti Yadav (140 points)
In python, you can defne a veriable and assigne a value ti it in a sigle line.

here's the syntax


Vaiable_ name   = value

for a example:



this line is a define a variable named "x" and assign the value 5 to it
0 votes
answered Feb 23 by Vaishnavi Dhanwate (140 points)

In Python, you can define a variable and assign a value to it using the following syntax:

variable_name = value

Here's an example:

# Define a variable named "age" and assign the value 25 to it age = 25 # Define a variable named "name" and assign the string value "John" to it name = "John" # Define a variable named "is_student" and assign the boolean value True to it is_student = True

In this example, you've defined three variables: age, name, and is_student, and assigned values to them. The variable names can be almost any valid identifier, following the rules for naming variables in Python. The values can be of different types, such as integers, strings, booleans, etc.

A variable is a string of characters and numbers associated with a piece of information. The assignment operator, denoted by the “=” symbol, is the operator that is used to assign values to variables in Python. The line x=1 takes the known value, 1, and assigns that value to the variable with name “x”.

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