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If statements in python interpreter not working

+6 votes
asked Mar 23 by Teddy (230 points)
my interpreter for a simple asm like language,

import random
import time

def tokenize_string(input_string):
  return input_string.split()

conditions = []
vars = {}

def runLine(line):
  if all(item == True for item in conditions):
    match line[0]:
      case "print":
        print(runLine(line[1:]), end="")
      case "println":
      case "pspace":
        print(" ", end="")
      case "input":
        return input()
      case "var":
        if len(line) > 2 and line[2] == "=":
          vars[line[1]] = runLine(line[3:])
          return vars.get(line[1], None)
      case "val":
        return " ".join(line[1:])
      case "add":
        return float(runLine(line[1:])) + float(runLine(line[3:]))
      case "sub":
        return float(runLine(line[1:])) - float(runLine(line[3:]))
      case "mul":
        return float(runLine(line[1:])) * float(runLine(line[3:]))
      case "div":
        return float(runLine(line[1:])) / float(runLine(line[3:]))
      case "random":
        return random.randint(int(runLine(line[1:])), int(runLine(line[3:])))
      case "wait":
      case "if":
        if runLine(line[1:]) == runLine(line[3:]):
      case "end":
      case _:
        print(f"\nError, Unknown action: \"{line[0]}\"")

with open(input(), "r") as f:
    for line in f:
        tokens = tokenize_string(line.strip())

the ifs add ether a true or a false to a list, if all of the list is true the code runs
here is some code that detects if 1 == 1, then prints 1

if val 1 val 1
    print val 1

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 1 by Raman Parjapati (160 points)
import random
import time

def tokenize_string(input_string):
    return input_string.split()

conditions = []
vars = {}

def runLine(line):
    if all(item == True for item in conditions):
        match line[0]:
            case "print":
                print(runLine(line[1:]), end="")
            case "println":
            case "pspace":
                print(" ", end="")
            case "input":
                return input()
            case "var":
                if len(line) > 2 and line[2] == "=":
                    vars[line[1]] = runLine(line[3:])
                    return vars.get(line[1], None)
            case "val":
                return " ".join(line[1:])
            case "add":
                return float(runLine(line[1:])) + float(runLine(line[3:]))
            case "sub":
                return float(runLine(line[1:])) - float(runLine(line[3:]))
            case "mul":
                return float(runLine(line[1:])) * float(runLine(line[3:]))
            case "div":
                return float(runLine(line[1:])) / float(runLine(line[3:]))
            case "random":
                return random.randint(int(runLine(line[1:])), int(runLine(line[3:])))
            case "wait":
            case "if":
                if runLine(line[1:]) == runLine(line[3:]):
            case "end":
            case _:
                print(f"\nError, Unknown action: \"{line[0]}\"")

# Example code
tokens = tokenize_string("val 1 val 1 if print val 1 end")
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