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Help me figure out the mistake

0 votes
asked Mar 28 by Shirshastha Bandyopadhyay (120 points)

Please help me figure out the mistake 

#0 to 9 display
start = 0
while start==10:
    start= start +1

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 30 by Mayur Gaikwad (250 points)
start = 0
while start < 10:
    start = start + 1

try this if this can be your answer
0 votes
answered Mar 31 by Султанбек Жумагали (140 points)
change option in while from "==" to "!="
+2 votes
answered Apr 1 by Peter Minarik (86,860 points)

Your loop condition is incorrect. You want to repeat the loop as long as your loop variable hasn't reached the maximum.

The right expression is below:

start = 0
while start < 10:
    start = start + 1
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