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whats wrong in this?pls check!!!

0 votes
asked Sep 2, 2018 by My passion
I want to write cpp program for bank operations using singly linked lists

using namespace std;
struct node
 int cust_id;
 int acc_id;
 string name;
 float bal;
 struct node *next;
struct day
  int date;
  int mon;
  int year;

struct trans
 int acc_id;
 string trans_type;
 float amt;
 struct day day;
struct trans *next;
struct list
 int count;
 struct node *head;
struct list1
 int count;
 struct trans *head;
void cre_acc (struct list **list,struct list1 ** list1)
   *list=(struct list *)malloc(sizeof(struct list));
    *list1=(struct list1 *)malloc(sizeof(struct list1));
    struct node *node=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    struct trans *trans=(struct trans*)malloc(sizeof(struct trans));
    struct day *day;
  int cust_i,acc_i;
  float ba;
  string nam;
  cout<<"enter the details of cust";
  int dat,mo,ye;
  cout<<"enter date ,month and year";
  cout<<"account created";

void deposit(struct list *list,struct  list1 *list1)
   cout<<"list doesn't exists";
    struct trans *trans=(struct trans*)malloc(sizeof(struct trans));
    struct day *day;
    struct node *node;
   int am,dat,mo,yr;
   cout<<"enter amount to deposit and time";
   cout<<"amount deposited";
void withdra(struct list *list,struct  list1 *list1)
   cout<<"list doesn't exists";
   struct trans *trans=(struct trans*)malloc(sizeof(struct trans));
    struct day *day;
    struct node *node;
   int am,dat,mo,yr;
   cout<<"enter amount to be withdrawn and time";
   cout<<"amount withdrawn";
void statement (struct list *list ,struct list1 *list1)
{ struct trans *trans=(struct trans*)malloc(sizeof(struct trans));
    struct day *day;
    struct node *node;
 cout<<"\ncustomer id:"<<(node)->cust_id<<"\n account id"<<(node)->acc_id<<"\ncustomer name"<<(node)->name<< "\nbalance"<<(node)->bal;
 struct trans *temp=list1->head;
 cout<<"\nlist elements";
  cout<<"transaction type"<<temp->trans_type<<"\namount"<<temp->amt<<"\n date:"<<temp->day.date<<"-"<<temp->day.mon<<"-"<<temp->day.year;
int main()
 struct list *list;
 struct list1 *list1;
 int choice;
 cout<<"enter ur choice 1.create account 2.deposit 3.withdraw 4.statement 5.exit";
  case 1:cre_acc (&list,&list1);
 case 2:deposit(list,list1);
 case 3:withdra(list,list1);
 case 4:statement(list,list1);
            cout<<"enter valid option";
return 0;

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 6, 2018 by Leroy (390 points)
Well for starters your codes definitely ambiguous, especially when your dereferencing a pointer as a list, and expecting it with a required assignment.

There are easier ways to tackle your code but I have a feeling based on the stack your using to allocate account balance is messy and unnecessary. Your code should be easy to translate and broken up.

Plus your using a struct, and a struct is public by default and that creates unnecessary problems. A struct should be used when you need public access a class is set to private by default.
0 votes
answered Sep 6, 2018 by anonymous
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