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How to have more than one main() in a project

0 votes
asked Sep 15, 2018 by Larry Gagnon (120 points)
I am learning C using OnlineGDB. I wish to test and write a number of very small C code snippets in one project. However, when I create a new file and then say name it Test2.c and it has another main() function in it as does the main.c file then I get an error saying I can only have one main() function.

I do not want to set up a whole series of projects for each code snippet.

Is there any way around this?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 16, 2018 by Anupama M (140 points)
in that one is calling function and other is called function.

void_copystring is called funtion.and main is calling function
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