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I dont understand fully how program in c++ is working. Someone will explain?

–1 vote
asked Oct 23, 2018 by Grochu (110 points)
Hello, I have started programming in c++. This program is working correctly but i dont understand what line

 wynik = (znak == '*') ? 1:0;

 is for and how works?

void zamiana(int&, int&);

int main(){
    int g;
    int A,B, wynik;
    char znak;
    scanf("%d", &g);
    for (int i = 0; i < g; i++){
        scanf("%d %d %c", &A, &B, &znak);
        if (A == B){
        else if (A > B){
            zamiana(A, B);
        wynik = (znak == '*') ? 1:0;
        for(int j = A; j <= B; j++){
            if(znak == '+'){
                wynik += j;
            } else if(znak == '-') {
                    wynik -= j;
            }   else{
                    wynik *= j;
        cout << wynik;
    return 0;

void zamiana(int& x, int& y) {
    int temp = x;
    x = y;
    y = temp;

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 25, 2018 by ananth222 (140 points)
The statement "(znak == '*') ? 1:0;"  is called a ternary operator.

It has the form "(condition) ? True_value : False_value"

The way it works is it checks the condition, if the condition is true, it returns the True_value, otherwise it returns the False_value.

In your case "wynik = (znak == '*') ? 1:0; " checks if the char znak is "*", and if true, assigns the value 1 to wynik, and if false assigns the value 0 to wynik.
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