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what the recursive method for quotient and remain?

0 votes
asked May 3, 2020 by judès Tinasoady (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 13, 2020 by xDELLx (10,520 points)
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


Below function is the heart of the prog & actually does the dirty work


int div(int numer, int denom, int *remainder){
    if (denom == 0 ) return (-1);
    if (numer >= denom) {
        return (1 + div(numer-denom , denom , remainder));
        *remainder = numer;
        return 0;

//Below func will handle -ve inputs

int fix_negative_input( int n, int d){
    if ( (n < 0 && d < 0 ) || (n > 0 && d >0 ) ){
        return 1;
    return -1;
//This func is an interface to look pretty & clean ,but delegates actual work to others

//will take input as the numerator & denominator
//but after completion if will return the quotient & remainder in the same args
//return value will indicate if the operation was successful or exception occured
bool recursive_quo_remain( int *numer , int *denom){
    int r=0;
    int n=*numer>0?*numer:*numer*-1; // we could use abs(x) also
    int d=*denom>0?*denom:*denom*-1;
    int q = div(n,d,&r);
    if (q >= 0 ) {
        *numer = fix_negative_input(*numer, *denom) * q ;
        *denom = r;
        return true;
    return false;

int main()
    //printf("Hello World\n");
    int r =0;
   // int q = div(9,0,&r);
   // printf ("q:%d , r:%d\n" , q,r);
   int numerator = 10;
   int denominator = 0;
   bool done = recursive_quo_remain(&numerator , &denominator );
   if (done) {
       std::cout << "q:"<< numerator <<" " << "r:"<<denominator<<std::endl;
        cout <<"something messed up in computation\n";
    return 0;
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