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How do I get this code correct

–1 vote
asked Jul 22, 2020 by Michael Doerr (110 points)

This is Michael Doerr speaking. I am trying to make this code work accordingly to this criteria. Here is the screenshot.  Please email me as soon as possible. Screenshot 2020-07-19 12.41.45.png

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 22, 2020 by Peter Minarik (86,660 points)
Hello, Michael Doerr,

there is no screen shot in your post. No info what criteria you're talking about.

Please, share the code and what you're trying to achieve.
+2 votes
answered Jul 22, 2020 by Abhishek Kumar (220 points)

Hello, Michael Doerr,

Your screen shot is not visible. I think you have not paste the correct format of the image.

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