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in my c++ calculator whenever i put a decimal in it doesnt work?

+1 vote
asked Aug 31, 2020 by john lunsford (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 1, 2020 by Peter Minarik (86,640 points)

You should really share your code so one can have a look of what you created and find the problem in there.

Without seeing your code my only guess that a problem (apart from a bug) could be with localisation. E.g. in your country you use coma (,) for decimal separation, while the default localisation settings are interpreting numbers as done in English: the decimal separator is a dot (.)

For example, you may write 3,14 (notice the coma) while the computer only understands 3.14 (notice the dot) without setting up any localisation.

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