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How can i fix my calculations?

+3 votes
asked Dec 3, 2020 by Alaa Moukammal (150 points)
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
        //BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("input"));    // for local testing from input file
        int caseNum = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());    // get the test case
        for(int caseId=0; caseId<caseNum; caseId++){
            in.readLine();    // read the empty line before each test case
            int L = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());    
            L *= 100;                                // get the ferry length, and convert from meters to centimeters
            boolean [][] dp = new boolean [2][L+1];    // allocate dp table with space saving trick, note the off-by-one, as length can be [0, L] including L+1 values
            Arrays.fill(dp[0], false);                // initialize dp table to "no solution" state
            dp[0][0] = true;                        // initially, 0 length at both sides is feasible
            int [][] pre = new int [205][L+1];        // allocate solution memo, note the off-by-one also
            int [] carlen = new int [205];            // the length of each car, used to recover our solution from pre[][] matrix
            boolean done = false;                    // are we done with this case?
            int t=0, pt;                            // space saving trick
            int i = 0;                                // current car id
            int N = 0;                                // how many cars can we load
            int sumlen = 0;                // sum of car length we've considered so far
            int lastlen = 0;            // record feasible length at port side for the last loaded car
                int curlen = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());    // get the current car length
                if(curlen==0) break;    // get a 0-length, terminate the case
                if(done==true) continue;// a previous car cannot be loaded already, so we directly ignore the following car
                pt = t; t ^= 1;            // swap dp table (space saving trick)
                carlen[++i] = curlen;    // increment car id, store the car length
                sumlen += curlen;        // add the length to the length sum

                Arrays.fill(dp[t], false);                // initialize a new row of dp table

                boolean canload = false;                // can we load this car?

                for(int len=0; len<=L; len++){                    // enumerate all the possible lengths at port side
                    if(dp[pt][len]==false) continue;            // there is no solution for this state, ignore
                    // is it ok if we put the car on the port side?
                    if(len+curlen<=L && sumlen-(len+curlen)<=L){  // port side ok && starboard side ok
                        dp[t][len+curlen] = true;
                        pre[i][len+curlen] = 0;    // record out decision, recall: 0 means we put the i-th car at port side
                        lastlen = len+curlen;
                        canload = true;

                    // is it ok if we put the car on the port side?
                    if(sumlen-len<=L){            // starboard side ok (len<=L is trivial so we do not write it explicitly)
                        dp[t][len] = true;
                        pre[i][len] = 1;        // record out decision, recall: 1 means we put the i-th car at starboard side
                        lastlen = len;
                        canload = true;
                if(!canload) done = true;        // if we cannot load this car, we are done
                else N = i;                        // store how many cars we have successfully loaded
            System.out.println(N);                // print the number of cars we load
            int [] answer = new int [N+1];        // allocate the answer (decision) array, note the off-by-one, cars are numbered from 1 to N
            for(i=N; i>=0; i--){                // iterate reversely from the last car to the first, and write to the answer table
                if(pre[i][lastlen]==0){            // this car is loaded at port
                    lastlen -= carlen[i];        // decrease the port side length
                    answer[i] = 0;
                }else if(pre[i][lastlen]==1){    // this car is loaded at starboard
                    answer[i] = 1;    

            for(i=1; i<=N; i++){                                    // print the solutions
                if(answer[i]==0) System.out.println("port");
                else if(answer[i]==1) System.out.println("starboard");
            if(caseId<caseNum-1) System.out.println("");            // print an empty line between consecutive cases

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 4, 2020 by Peter Minarik (86,680 points)

You should provide more information as by a glance, it is not clear

  1. what the program is trying to do (try to put cars on a ferry based on their length?)
  2. what the problem is exactly? What did you expect, but instead what happened?
You should add some message to the user what you're expecting of them.
It's also wise to provide the steps you made so others can reproduce the problem.
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