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plz expain the underlined snippet of c

+2 votes
asked Feb 15, 2021 by Ushnika (250 points)

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int age=45;
    printf("%d\n",age-- + --age);
    printf("%d\t",age);  //age=43
   printf("%d\n",--age + --age); //42+41=83

   printf("%d\t",age);  //age=41
   printf("%d\n",++age + ++age); //42+43

    return 0;

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 17, 2021 by Peter Minarik (86,040 points)
edited Feb 18, 2021 by Peter Minarik

What we see in this little program is demonstration of the pre- and post-increments (and pre-/post-decrement) operators.

Pre-increment: ++a

It increments the value of a, then whatever expression this value is used will have the new value.

With pseudo code:

Type preincrement(Type value)
    return value;

Post-increment: a++

It increments the value of a, but only after its original value was used in the expression.

With pseudo code:

Type postincrement(Type value)
    Type tmp = value;
    return tmp;

Example #1

When age = 45,

printf("%d\n", age-- + --age);
  1. first uses the value of age (45) in the addition and decrements its value (45 - 1 = 44) and the other part of the addition is
  2. the decremented value of the "new" age (44 - 1 = 43)

Example #2

When age = 43,

printf("%d\n", --age + --age);
  1. first decreases the value of age (43 - 1 = 42) then adds this to
  2. the decreased value of the "new" age (42 - 1 = 41).

Example #3

When age = 41,

printf("%d\n", ++age + ++age);
  1. first increments the value of age (41 + 1 = 42) and adds this to
  2. the incremented value of the "new" age (42 + 1 = 43)

I hope this help. :)

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