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may someone please help me know why my program of arranging numbers in an array in ascending order is not working

+6 votes
asked Feb 28, 2021 by Shumirai Chaipa (180 points)
Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
    dim arrMarks(0 to 9) as Integer
    dim sum, minimum as Integer
    dim p as Integer
    dim ave as decimal
    for i = 0 to 9
        Console.WriteLine("Enter the input data into an array")
        arrMarks(i) = Console.Readline()
        sum = sum + arrMarks(i)
        next i
        ave= sum/i
        minimum = arrMarks(0)
        for i = 1 to 9
        if(arrMarks(i)<minimum) then
        end if
        next i
        arrMarks(0)= p(0)
        for i = 0 to 9
        for p = 0 to 9
        if (arrMarks(i) < minimum) then
        arrMark(i) = p=(p-1)
        end if
        next i
        Console.WriteLine("you entered:"& arrMarks)
    End Sub
End Module

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 2, 2021 by Peter Minarik (86,680 points)

You got the for - next loop syntax wrong. Please read how it works here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/visual-basic/language-reference/statements/for-next-statement

I've tried to fix things and it seems to work now.

I'm not sure why you needed the sum and minimum variables.

You can use a different sorting algorithm too. I picked bubble-sorting for its simplicity: in every iteration, you swap adjacent items if the left one is larger; this effectively makes the largest one rise to the top, just like bubbles in a fizzy-drink. :)

And here's the code:

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        rem --== Variables ==--
        dim arrMarks(0 to 9) as Integer
        dim i as Integer
        dim p as Integer
        dim tmp as Integer
        rem --== Initalise the array ==--
        for i = 0 to 9
            Console.Write("Enter the " & i & ". input data into an array: ")
            arrMarks(i) = Console.Readline()
        next i

        rem --== Bubble-sorting ==--
        for i = 0 to 8
            for p = 0 to 8 - i
                if (arrMarks(p) > arrMarks(p + 1)) then
                    tmp = arrMarks(p)
                    arrMarks(p) = arrMarks(p + 1)
                    arrMarks(p + 1) = tmp
                end if
            next p
        next i
        rem Console.WriteLine("you entered:"& arrMarks)
        rem --== Print the result ==--
        Console.WriteLine("The array after sorting:")
        for i = 0 to 9
            Console.WriteLine(i & ". " & arrMarks(i))
        next i
    End Sub
End Module


I do not work with Visual Basic, so probably the code could have been done better by someone who uses Visual Basic regularly.

0 votes
answered Nov 27, 2023 by nasiya (240 points)


int main(){

    int i,j,n,arr[100],temp;

    printf("Enter limit:");


    printf("Enter values:");










                if(arr[i] < arr[j])


                    temp = arr[i];

                    arr[i] = arr[j];

                    arr[j] = temp;




        printf("\nAcsending order array:\n");







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