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Can you tell me why the index is out of range?

+3 votes
asked Mar 30 by SSSsunweb (150 points)
package main

import (





    width = 80

    height = 15


type Universe [][]bool

func NewUniverse() Universe{


    for i:= range un{



    return un


func (u Universe)Show() {

    for i:=0;i<height;i++ {

        for j:=0;j<width;j++{

            if u[i][j] {


            } else {

                fmt.Print(" ")






func (u Universe) Seed() {

    for count:=0;count<0.25*width*height;count++{

        w :=rand.Intn(width)

        h :=rand.Intn(height)

        if u[h][w]{


        } else {





func (u Universe)Alive(x,y int) bool{

    return u[y%height][x%width]


func (u Universe)Neighbours(x,y int)int{


    if u.Alive(x-1,y-1){



    if u.Alive(x,y-1){



    if u.Alive(x+1,y-1){



    if u.Alive(x-1,y){



    if u.Alive(x+1,y){



    if u.Alive(x-1,y+1){



    if u.Alive(x,y+1){



    if u.Alive(x+1,y+1){



    return countnum


func (u Universe)Next(x,y int)bool {



    if al{

        if nb<2{

            return false

        } else if nb <= 3 {

            return true

        } else{

            return false   


    } else{

        if nb==3{

            return true

        } else{

            return false




func step(a,b Universe){

    for i:=0;i<height;i++{

        for j:=0;j<width;j++{

            if a.Next(j,i) {

                b[i][j]= true

            } else {

                b[i][j] = false






func main() {


    fmt.Println("A new universe is created")




    for i:=0;i<10;i++{


        fmt.Printf("After %v step,the population is like this",i+1)




1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 10 by Peter Minarik (86,720 points)

If you follow the call stack in the error message, it will point you in the right direction.

The index out-of-range error happens because of the Neighbours function. It checks -1 and +1 indices relative to x and y, but not every coordinate has a -1 or +1 neighbour. The top row in the matrix does not have a y - 1 neighbour, while the bottom row does not have a y + 1 neighbour. Similarly, the left column does not have an x - 1 neighbour, while the right column does not have an x + 1 neighbour.

You need to consider this when looking for your neighbours!

Good luck!

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