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How do I make a scrolling website?

+4 votes
asked Jan 9, 2023 by Muzamel Ahmadi (180 points)
I'm trying to make a website. It's my first one, and I'm not very experienced in Python either.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 9, 2023 by Max Jian (730 points)
You have to learn how to use Html or CSS.
commented Jan 9, 2023 by Max Jian (730 points)
Also I would recommend just learning javascript since its a lot more suited to web programming
0 votes
answered Jan 13, 2023 by Peter Minarik (86,180 points)
I'm not sure what you mean by "scrolling". If the content of a web page does not fit the screen of the browser, the browser automatically offers to scroll to provide access to the rest of the content.
commented Jan 14, 2023 by Max Jian (730 points)
I didn’t know that wow
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